Varada - Passenger (TAXI)

by Varada Club Sdn. Bhd

Travel & Local


Check out on the rewards menu what we have besides an iPhone to make you proud to be our customer and Driver. To check out these Rewards scroll down this website and download the VARADA APP.Gender Matching Option: A female rider can choose a female driver when in doubt of safety!Budget-Friendly: Varada Club charges an immensely low percentage to drivers whereas Passenger Get an affordable rate for their travels.Web Booking: Your mobile runs out of battery and you need to book a trip. No worries with Varada Club you can even book the trip via your Laptop / Desktop PC.7 categories of the vehicle which each consist of its own niche in the market: (Bike): Motorbike service is introduced to cater to dispatch purposes with very minimum cost and reliable service. Thus, with current traffic conditions, this service best fits for sending documents/collecting stuff/buying groceries, and more on. (Taxi): Taxi service remains as it is, but the cost is reduced slightly because they would not need to roam around to look for passengers. (Economy Vehicles): Economy vehicles are in the car price range below 70K regardless of the seating capacity. This service also would be beneficial for those who commute in max 6 to 8 people depending on the availability of the vehicle on site. To avoid surprises, please book your ride 2 hours in advance. (Economy Vehicles +): Economy vehicles + is the car price range between 70K to 150K regardless of the seating capacity. This service would be beneficial for those who want to have a ride on any special event which gives them a special entrance. (Pickup Truck): A pickup truck has a vast variety of purposes such as moving to a new house either office on small scale/dispatching or collecting business stuff in multiple spots and many more. Or even visit sites where this vehicle is suitable for the purpose. The loading and unloading are done by passengers, and it comes with 10 bucks for storage usage. (Luxury): Luxury vehicle is anything above the range of 150K, and don’t be surprised you may also end up getting a ride on sports vehicles if you’re lucky enough. Thus, advance 7hr booking is required and it would be more cost-effective if you’re going to go for Elite Functions with Grand appearance. Please be informed, that Luxury / Economy + / Economy drivers are given the choice to select any category below their range. Please don’t be surprised if you book a low-budget end-up Luxury vehicle to pick you up for a ride. (Van): You can even book a ride with a maximum of 10 people now in Varada.Above service, a cater in a way Later Ride with pre-scheduling book OR Ride Now OR Rental basis.